Labour for the Constitution

The dynamism of the British constitution has enabled the Labour Party to transform Britain. From the foundation of the modern welfare state to the establishment of Sure Start; from the creation of the NHS to the introduction of the national minimum wage. Many of Labour’s proudest achievements have only been possible because of the fundamental principles of our constitution.

Labour for the Constitution aims to defend, promote, and strengthen these principles. We strive to improve understanding of Britain’s constitution within the Labour Party and to present a spirited defence of its merits: representation, deliberation, counsel, and moderation. We hope that future Labour reforms will, if needed, be designed to strengthen our constitution's fundamental virtues.


We have an exciting series of events planned in the future, watch this space for updates!

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Past Events

First Past the Post: Good for Labour and Good for Democracy?

20 November 2024, House of Lords, London

What is the Labour Case for the House of Lords?

21 May 2024, Portcullis House, London